Welcome to the Morty's TV Team Signup for Big Brother USA 26!Morty’s TV provides real time updates of Reality TV show broadcasts and, during seasons of Big Brother USA, of the Live Feed streams for the Morty's TV Community. Our team of dedicated live feed updaters is depleted. We need your help. We need you to volunteer!
What is an LFULFU Team Members watch the Big Brother USA Live Feeds and post regular updates describing the action in the BB House to the daily Morty's TV Fan Forums LFU Threads.
Sounds Great - I want to register! |
What is a MCBMCB Team Members post a daily or weekly blog post on the Morty's TV Fan Forums (tvfanforums.net - Membership is free and no spam ever), commenting on the events in the Big Brother house.
Sounds Great - I want to register! |
If you were a Morty's TV LFU/FPU for Big Brother USA last season, YOU MUST REGISTER AGAIN. This is to make sure we have the most up-to-date information. Please provide all information requested. It will be kept in the strictest of confidence and used only for the Morty's TV Big Brother USA FPU team . If you have any questions or know anyone else who might like to volunteer, please email contact.mortystv@gmail.com. On behalf of Morty and myself, welcome to Morty's TV! Fuskie |